The Cheviots

The Cheviots and the surrounding Glendale area are idyllic for walkers, climbers, cyclists or landscape photographers of varying abilities. While I love to tell people about our almost untouched hills and beautiful coastal paths, the something special element is in the beauty, solitude and the warm welcome you get from the locals.
The rounded hills which for the most part are covered in coarse grass, heather and bracken with infertile soil, where little thrives other than the wild goats and sheep.
It's well known in my part of the world that sheep outnumber humans greatly, so no surprise that there is vast farmland where the cattle seem to roam but with many tracks, it leaves us with many hikes to explore.
Remote, yet beautiful, if solitude is your thing then The Cheviots have it in abundance, however, if you follow the road to Breamish Valley you often see families making the most of the area playing, having picnics and exploring the hills and valleys.
The quality of the air is unreal compared to your urban life and even the water, whether it's from the tap or the river it seems a different quality.
The Cheviot and surrounding hills can seem giants but tiny in comparison to some of the hills in Scotland, nevertheless appearances can be deceptive and many accidents occur each year because of walkers being lulled into a false sense of security.
Take in The Cheviots but remember, always go prepared for a change in the weather and please leave it as you find for the next one to follow in your tracks.